Muzikkon 28 corde Claddagh Arpa Frassino
Prezzo normale €764.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€849.99Prezzo di vendita €764.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Muzikkon 28 corde Claddagh Arpa Mogano
Prezzo normale €764.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€849.99Prezzo di vendita €764.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 28 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €764.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€849.99Prezzo di vendita €764.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 19 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €449.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€499.99Prezzo di vendita €449.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 19 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €449.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€499.99Prezzo di vendita €449.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 22 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €539.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€599.99Prezzo di vendita €539.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 22 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €539.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€599.99Prezzo di vendita €539.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 24 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €584.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€649.99Prezzo di vendita €584.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Claddagh a 28 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €849.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Claddagh Busker a 22 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €489.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Claddagh Busker a 22 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €489.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Claddagh a 24 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €649.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpe Claddagh in vendita:
Una delle arpe di dimensioni più grandi con materiali squisiti ed elegante produzione musicale sono le arpe Claddagh. Avendo corpi più alti e corde che passano attraverso la tavola armonica e il braccio angolare anteriore, le arpe Claddagh sono una delle arpe più suonate e apprezzate per grandi concerti o esposizioni di arpa. Muzikkon è il fornitore di strumenti musicali preferito in Irlanda e queste arpe Claddagh sono una delle nostre specialità.
Prova la nostra gamma speciale per studenti con arpa Claddagh a 19 corde in palissandro o noce per allenarti con questo bellissimo ed elegante strumento, quindi passa all'arpa Claddagh a 22 corde in noce o palissandro man mano che acquisisci maggiore familiarità con questo elegante strumento a corde. Mentre passi a quelli di livello superiore come l'arpa Claddagh a 24 o 28 corde in noce o palissandro, l'aggiunta di un supporto molto stabile e solido insieme ai telai bilanciati ti permetterà di suonare le tue arpe a modo tuo senza la paura di cadere. o causare uno squilibrio.
L'arpa Claddagh a 34 corde in palissandro o noce è la scelta dell'esperto e può toccare qualsiasi corda (bassa o alta) secondo necessità. Per gli esperti che preferiscono essere davvero unici, l'arpa Claddagh a 34 corde - Emblem Green disponibile da fine maggio è la scelta perfetta. L'elegante bellezza e le curve morbide di questo tipo di arpa di Muzikkon sono adatte a ogni arpista e possono fornire funzionalità su misura ineguagliabili da qualsiasi altra cosa sul mercato.
Muzikkon garantisce una selezione di legni di alta qualità per la nostra linea di strumenti musicali arpa, fornendo alle tavole armoniche qualcosa di eccezionale da cui far risuonare la musica elegante. Le corde regolabili e sostituibili delle nostre arpe di alta qualità e il loro maestoso fascino visivo sono tutti supportati dalla musica affascinante che possono produrre in ogni momento.