Muzikkon 29 corde Ard Ri Arpa in palissandro
Prezzo normale €764.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€849.99Prezzo di vendita €764.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Ard Ri a 22 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €530.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€589.99Prezzo di vendita €530.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Arpa Ard Ri a 22 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €530.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€589.99Prezzo di vendita €530.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Vendita -
Muzikkon 29 corde Ard Ri Harp Ashwood
Prezzo normale €849.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Ard Ri a 27 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €656.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per€729.99Prezzo di vendita €656.99- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Ard Ri a 27 corde in palissandro
Prezzo normale €729.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Muzikkon Ard RI, 27 corde in mogano
Prezzo normale €729.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Muzikkon 29 corde Ard Ri Harp Noce
Prezzo normale €849.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Muzikkon 29 corde Ard Ri Arpa in mogano
Prezzo normale €849.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Muzikkon 36 corde Ard Ri Arpa in palissandro
Prezzo normale €1,749.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Ard Ri a 22 corde in legno di faggio
Prezzo normale €529.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Paga -
Arpa Muzikkon Ard RI, 22 corde in mogano
Prezzo normale €529.99Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpe Ard Ri in vendita
L'arpa non è solo uno degli strumenti musicali più belli della storia e dei giorni nostri, ma è anche uno degli strumenti dal suono più elegante. La linea di prodotti Ard Ri Harps su misura di Muzikkon non solo suona in modo fantastico, ma durerà più a lungo, grazie anche ai materiali superiori e alla qualità costruttiva suprema.
Disponibili con una selezione di tavole e materiali in legno, l'arpa Ard Ri a 27 corde in noce e l'arpa Ard Ri a 27 corde in palissandro presentano colori diversi e un'emissione musicale unica correlata alla selezione dei legni. Avendo un supporto stabile e una struttura di equilibrio, possono essere appoggiati su pavimenti piani o superfici di gioco, rendendo l'arpista elegante e attraente. Sia che guardi il design elegante e di prima qualità o l'aspetto generale delle maestose arpe Ard Ri di Muzikkon, rimarrai colpito dall'attenzione ai dettagli che presentiamo. Con corde regolabili e riadattabili che possono essere strette o sostituite quando vengono perse o rotte, queste dureranno sicuramente a lungo poiché i telai in legno sono realizzati con legni lavorati e lucidati di alta qualità mantenendo la loro brillantezza come nuova per tutto ciò mentre BENE.
Queste arpe facili da suonare sono perfette per i nuovi studenti e abbiamo anche accessori come borse per renderle facili da trasportare. Sia che tu vada a un corso di musica o che tu abbia bisogno di suonarli alle riunioni della tua famiglia o dei tuoi amici, questi bellissimi strumenti musicali di Muzikkon non mancheranno di stupirti con la musica e i suoni ad alto dettaglio.